(4 Pack) Fresh Apollo Garlic

(4 Pack) Fresh Apollo Garlic

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Garlic is a herb. It is related to the onion, the Allium family, and it is planted all over the world. Its origin is said to be in Siberia that eventually spread to the rest of the world over five millennia ago. Often, the uses of garlic include those in adding flavour to viand. The taste of garlic is distinct, and it contains sulfuric compounds that are proven to have health benefits. Among the other health benefits of garlic include treating conditions related to cardiovascular diseases and the blood. These conditions are as follows, but not limited to, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, high level of cholesterol.


  • Rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for the Immune System of the body and garlic is rich in that. More so, a clove of garlic that is approximately 3g is said to contain 4.5 calories. More so, per 100g of garlic, there is a total carbohydrate count of 33g.
  • Immune system. Aside from Vitamin C, garlic is also rich in vitamin B6, iron, calcium, zinc, and protein, among others. Thus, it helps in treating colds. A study showed that garlic is capable of reducing the number of colds by 63% as compared to that of a placebo.
  • Reducing High Blood Pressure. High blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases are among the top causes of death all over the world. Garlic helps in treating these conditions. A study showed that 600-1,500mg of garlic extract is just as effective as the drug Atenolol in reducing high blood pressure in 24 weeks.
  • Antioxidants. Garlic contains antioxidants that help the body fight against oxidative damage. The presence of its antioxidant properties helps in reducing the risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia that are common in old people.
  • Bone health. As garlic helps in preventing brain diseases prevalent in older people, it also helps in strengthening the bones which makes it a great, if not a necessary, consumption for older people, especially in women. A study showed that a daily dose of dry garlic extracts decreased estrogen deficiency in menopausal women.